Cam and Julia walking and talkingWelcome to Hodsman Financial

Our mission is to build a financial security plan tailored to help meet your specific needs. We're dedicated to understanding your goals and providing you with the professional financial security advice needed to help you achieve those goals.

Whether purchasing a home, financing a child's education or retiring comfortably, your goals are specific to you and your financial security plan should be tailored to your needs.

We'll help you understand the choices to be made and the products available to help build a financial security plan to achieve your personal or business goals. And once your plan is in place, we'll continue to work with you by reviewing your financial security plan from time to time with you to help ensure you're still on track to achieving your goals.

Cam Hodsman, B.Comm., CFP®, CLU

Certified Financial Planner
Investment Representative

Julia Hodsman

Financial Security Advisor
Investment Representative

Julia Hodsman has been with Canada Life (previously Freedom 55 Financial) since 2005.

She believes that her years as an operations manager were an ideal foundation for her career as a financial advisor. Great empathy, good listening skills and her ability to effectively problem solve are symbols of her appreciation by her clients.

She is supported by her business partner and brother Cam Hodsman, and a team of insurance and investment product specialists whose knowledge and professionalism help her build long-lasting relationships with her growing client base and provide excellent client service. Julia is in the process of obtaining her Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation.

Her focus is on empowering female business owners and career-focused mothers to understand their finances and live a happy life financially.

Julia is married to Brian and has two young children. Away from the business, she enjoys exploring beautiful BC in their trailer, spending time with and family and friends and snowboarding at Big White.

Ask an advisor: Market volatility

Learn about market volatility, how it impacts your investments, and how you can manage it.



View video script


Description: This animated video introduces a character named Tim and his advisor with illustrated graphics to show how market volatility can impact your imvestments and how to manage it.

Text: Ask an advisor” appears. The camera zooms out as the text lands in an outlined square. “How does market volatility affect my investments?” fades in below. An illustration of a bar graph draws on the right side of the frame.

Tim: There seems to be lots of ups and downs in the markets these days. What’s that mean for my investments?

Description: Tim and his advisor stand on a bridge in front of a body of water and hold coffee cups. The illustration zooms in on Tim, then on the advisor.

Advisor: Some market volatility is the sign of a normal, healthy market.

Description: A graphic titled Historical Returns appears on screen and draws the S&P/TSX composite total return index between 2004 and 2008.

Advisor: I know big declines in the market can make you question your investment plan.

Description: The graph expands to a falling market around 2009, then an improvement in the market until 2014.

Advisor: But, history has shown that when the market does fall, it eventually comes back even stronger.

Description: The graph flips over a smaller graph titled Retirement. It shows growth between 1% and 3% over a period of time.

Advisor: And that can be good for your investments in the long run.

Description: Screen transitions to a shot of Tim talking.

Tim: Are there things I can do to prepare for volatility?

Description: Screen transitions to a shot of the advisor talking and showing Tim the screen of her phone.

Advisor: There are – some you’re already doing.

Description: The rectangles appear on screen one on top of the other with the text, Investment plan, Long-term goals and Investment risk.

Advisor: Like having an investment plan. Staying focused on your long-term goals. And understanding your tolerance for investment risk.

Description: Screen returns to Tim and the Advisor standing on the bridge.

Advisor: Let’s talk about other strategies to help you manage market volatility.

Description: Text – Let’s talk. Contact me today appears onscreen with the legal line: “Video produced by Canada Life. 1 888 252-1847."

Protect what's most important: Katherine's story – Canada Life

When Katherine experienced a life changing illness, family and her recovery were top of mind. This meant not letting things like financial obligations get in her way.


View the video transcript


Description: Sad, slow music begins to play in the background on a black screen.

Description: A woman appears sitting on a chair in a living room beside a table with a vase of flowers. She looks to the right of the camera and begins to speak.

Katherine: I think as humans we always think it's not going to happen to us. We always think it's going to be the next person. We just, I guess, especially when you're younger, you feel invincible. You just feel it's not going to affect you. It's not going to happen to you.

Description: A white box appears screen right of Katherine with red text. The text reads, Katherine, self-employed mother of two.

Description: The white box disappears.

Description: The screen becomes grey and blurred. A white box appears screen right. The text reads, in May 2015, Katherine was diagnosed with Langerhans cell sarcoma. The red text disappears, and more red text appears that reads, 60 known cases worldwide, zero specialists worldwide, 25% survival rate.

Katherine: As we broke this news to various people around us, the people that were, I guess in my husband's world,

Description: The box disappears and Katherine reappears to the right of the camera.

Katherine: which is the medical community, they understood immediately the implications. So they would immediately come and give me a hug. I knew that wasn't good.

Description: The screen becomes grey and blurred again. A white box appears screen right. The text reads, Katherine visited doctors familiar with her illness in Boston and California for treatment options.

Katherine: Every time I would be sitting in the waiting room waiting for my radiation treatment,

Description: The box disappears and Katherine reappears to the right of the camera.

Katherine: I would look at who was sitting around me, and I could see that there were people who were struggling like me with these health issues, but they had other struggles as well. They had to figure out how their rent was going to be paid. They were in a state where they could not go to work, but how could they make their financial commitments?

Description: The screen becomes grey and blurred again. A white box appears screen right. The text reads, in her 30s, Katherine purchased critical illness insurance for her family.

Katherine: This critical illness insurance made the whole.

Description: The box disappears and Katherine reappears to the right of the camera.

Katherine: process of recovery just a lot smoother, a lot easier. By removing the financial element out, by it being able to take care of that financial element, we could just focus on the whole healing, on the whole finding the treatment plan, going through the treatment, all of that, and just getting better.

Description: The screen becomes grey and blurred again. A white box appears screen right. The text reads, Katherine’s cancer is currently under control and doctors continue to monitor her progress.

Description: Katherine: I can't believe that.

Description: The box disappears and Katherine reappears to the right of the camera.

Katherine: It almost seems like it never happened. It was so intense while it was happening. Now that it's over with, it just seems like it was another lifetime away.

Description: The video changes to Katherine walking with her two children on the sidewalk with snow on the ground.

Katherine: When it's about to all be gone, you certainly become aware of what's really most important to you.

Description: The video returns to Katherine.

Katherine: And, I still get mad at my kids and my husband, you know, but I think I'm a lot more patient with the people closest to me because you're just keenly aware that they may not always be there or you may not always be there. So, you know, just let go of the little insignificant things.

Description: The box disappears and Katherine reappears to the right of the camera.

Description: A white screen appears with red text that reads, protect what’s most important – your health and the ones you love. Talk to your advisor today. The Canada Life logo appears.

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